~Mike Lamonica, Director of Communications
“A paradigm shattering experience!
This is the most empowering program we’ve ever used!”
Learn to lead a LIMITLESS life, experience your true potential, and leave a lasting legacy with Life Mastery, an inspiring, 12-week interactive, online, video course that helps participants create a happier, more fulfilling, and successful life by taking control of their mind and the reality it creates. If, as Wallace Steven claims “We LIVE in the MIND.”, then what could be more important than understanding and mastering your mind?
“Man isn’t disturbed by the things that happen to him…
But rather by his opinion of the things that happen.”
~ Epictetus
Who is this course for?
The people who seem to benefit most from this kind of coaching are adults between the ages of 25 and 55 who resonate with the following conditions or situations:
- They experience dissatisfaction, disillusionment, unhappiness, or anger towards their current life situation.
- They deeply believe they deserve a fulfilling and joyful life.
- They are driven and inspired to engage in inner work, uncovering and healing the obstacles hindering their progress.
- They experience immense joy when their efforts bear fruit, manifesting the results they’ve long dreamt of.

Meet Your Master Coach, Mark Fournier
A 3-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, psychotherapist, life-mastery, and peak-performance coach, Mark Fournier (The Limitless Coach) is lauded as a world-renowned expert on ‘Leading a LIMITLESS Life’ and ‘Realizing our Greatest Potential’. He is also a patented inventor, award-winning writer, author, columnist, keynote speaker, the founder and provost of LIMITLESS University, the visionary creator of OmniCoach, the world’s first 100% AI-powered, virtual Life & Business coach, and the founding director of the nonprofit DoGood Hero Support Network. Mark has dedicated his life to ‘creating a better world’ by helping to raise human consciousness through his life-transforming insights and programs.
What Client Says
“Mark is a Game-changing Visionary in Transformational Leadership, Human Empowerment, and Performance!”

Rita Davenport
NSA Speaker-of-the-year, Best-Selling Author, TV Host, President, Arbonne
“Coach Mark successfully coached me, my family and my business teams, through enormous challenges!”

Donna Johnson
Top Female Networkers in the World’ / $Million + Annual Earner
“You can’t get THIS from a book or a seminar (or from a thousand of them); Coach Mark has created a program that permanently transforms your life, allowing you to automatically think, feel, and do that which ensures your success and fulfilment. His program saved my networking career, my marriage, and, in a way, my life!